Hi, I’m Marsha!

A Journey Back to Myself

There was a time in my life when I carried a pain so heavy, I thought I couldn’t bear it any longer. As a young teenager, I felt lost in my own emotions, and in a moment of deep despair, I attempted to take my own life. The instant I swallowed the pills, regret flooded in—but it wasn’t until much later that I would come to understand the true gift of that moment. I was meant to be here. And though I didn’t know it yet, my journey was only beginning.

As I grew older, I became an expert at hiding my pain. I smiled when I was supposed to, laughed when it was expected, and convinced the world—and even myself—that I was fine. Like so many others who experience trauma, I believed that if I just ignored my emotions, they would eventually disappear. But pain doesn’t simply vanish. It lingers beneath the surface, growing quietly like a balloon slowly filling with air. And one day, when it can no longer hold any more, it bursts—sometimes in the form of anxiety, depression, panic attacks, or even physical illness. For many, this breaking point comes years, even decades later. And when it does, it feels unbearable. I know, because I’ve been there.

But here’s what I’ve also learned: healing doesn’t have to take a lifetime.

My own healing journey took years—filled with self-discovery, heartbreak, breakthroughs, and the realization that the love I had been searching for was always within me. Learning to embrace every part of myself, even the ones I once tried to hide, became my greatest lesson. And somewhere along the way, I realized that helping others find this same peace and freedom was what I was meant to do.

For years, I chased success in ways that I thought would make me happy. I spent over 15 years in leadership roles, mentoring and guiding more than 500 employees. I owned and ran a successful comedy club, led international training programs, and worked as a corporate manager, traveling the world to help businesses grow. I was featured in magazines for my achievements. On the outside, it seemed like I had it all. But inside, I was exhausted—constantly striving, constantly pushing, constantly searching for something I couldn’t quite name.

Looking back, I realize that what I loved most wasn’t the achievements. It was the people. The deep, real conversations. The moments when someone felt seen, understood, and safe. That was when I felt most alive. And eventually, I knew—I had to follow that feeling.

I used to believe my dream was running a comedy club. But I was wrong. My true purpose is helping others find their way back to themselves. There is no greater joy than guiding someone out of their suffering and into the life they were meant to live.

Today, I have the honor of walking alongside others on their healing journeys. I’ve trained under one of the world’s top subconscious mind experts, earned multiple holistic wellness certifications, and helped hundreds of people create real, lasting transformation.

For years, I prayed for a life that felt aligned. One that felt meaningful. One where I could truly make a difference. Now, I get to live that life every single day. And for that, I am endlessly grateful.

If I’ve learned anything, it’s this: the foundation of self-love isn’t just in healing—it’s in embracing every part of yourself, even the ones you once wished away. Today, I can say with my whole heart—I love me. And because of that, I can truly love and support you on your journey, too.

Thank you for being here.