Frequently Asked Question

What Are The Benefits Of Working With The Subconscious Mind Coach Versus Other Therapies Or Coaching?

The Subconscious Mind Runs 90 To 95 % Of Our Life And Most People Are Completely Unaware Of What Is Stored In Their Mind. As They’re Confused About Obstacles And Suffering In Everyday Life. We Can’t Heal What We Are Unaware Of. Our Subconscious Mind Is Like An Operating System That Runs Automatically, Displaying Our Life As The Output. Therefore, Your Life As It Is Today, Money, Luck, Patience, Anger, Self Sabotage, Depression ECT. Is A Reflection Of What Is In The Subconscious Mind. By Cleansing And Correcting The Data In The Subconscious Mind, We Can Enhance Our Lives With More Opportunities And Serenity..

What If I’m Scared To Go Into The Subconscious Mind ?

Our Life Is Already A Projection Of Our Subconscious Mind. So If You’re Feeling Overwhelmed And Facing Obstacles, It’s Important To Attend To These Issue Sooner Than Later Rather Then Wait. The Longer We Wait The More Challenging It Becomes. In Addition, Having Someone You Trust To Hold A Safe Space Are The Benefits Of Hiring Someone.

What If I Just Need Motivation & Clarity For My Next Step?

A Life Coach Plays Multiple Roles In Your Life:  Unlocking Your Potential, Allowing You To Discover Your Best Self, And Acting As A Motivator, Accountability Partner And Strategist. The Effectiveness And Dedication That Great Coaches Use To Transform Your Life Quickly Emphasizes The Reality, Which Is That By Getting Coached You Are Investing In Yourself.

How Do I Know If This Is For Me?

This Work Is Beneficial To All Ages, Personalities, Religions. It Is For Everyone. Especially If You Tried Many Other Therapies And Modalities And Feel There Is Still A Void. However, There Are Only Two Things That Are Required. The First Thing Is To Make The Decision That You Want A Next Level, And The Second Thing Is To Commit To The Process.

Why Holistic Wellness?

The Advantage Of Holistic Wellness Modalities Is That They Don’t Involve Ingesting Pills That May Fix One Issue But Cause Others. I Once Thought Pharmaceutical Medicine Was More Powerful, But Now I See That Holistic Work Has The Only Positive Long-Term Effects While Safe For The Body And Mind. I speak From My own Experience and Many Clients.

Do I Have To Do Coaching With Holistic Energy Healing?

You Are Not Required, But If You Purchase An Energy Session, Coaching Is A Free Add-On That Can Add Tremendous Value. Pressure Point Energy Healing Is Extremely Powerful; If You’re Going Back Into The Same Environment, It Can Be Easy To Get Sucked Back Into The Old Patterns If You Don’t Decide To Make Some Changes After Your Session. I Use Guidance To Provide An Effective Path For My Clients, Increasing Long-Term Effects.

Does This Holistic Energy Work Help With Body Pain & Thoughts And Emotions?

Yes, Most People Do Not Understand That The Body Pain Is Primarily Unresolved Emotions Screaming For Attention. Many Doctors Have Started To Bring Metaphysical Information To Light With Facts. Dr. Joe Dispenza Is One Of The Pioneers. I Also Recommend Author Louise Hay. She Writes About This In The Book “Heal Your Body.”

Do I Sit Or Lay Down During An Pressure Point Energy Session?

You Will Lay Down Comfortably On A Massage Table On Your Back With All Your Clothes On Except Your Shoes. Most Clients Find It Very Relaxing And Fall Asleep. However, If You Really Would Like To Sit During Your Session Please Let The Practitioner Know And We Can Accommodate You.

Do You Do Remote Coaching Or Just In Office?

Coaching Is Available In-Person Or Remotely, Whichever Works Best For Your Schedule. The Results Will Be Equally Effective Either Way.