What We Offer

Subconscious Mind Coaching

The Subconscious Mind Plays A Significant Role In Shaping Our Life Experiences; However, It Operates Based On Deeply Ingrained Emotions And Thoughts Throughout Our Entire Life, Which Have Turned Into Habits, Projecting And Formulating Your Everyday Life Choices. It Can Be Challenging To Identify The Core Origin For Deep Healing Without Adequate Training Or Guidance. Check https://youtu.be/FUWSQDrs2QQ?si=90T7bM94FN7twKMP

Access Consciousness: A Comprehensive Holistic Approach To Health And Wellness

The Objective Of This Relaxing Session Is To Lightly Touch 32 Pressure Points To Clear The Blocked Emotional Pathways, Primarily Linked To Meridians That Connect To Thoughts And Emotions. This End Result Is Feeling Blissful Afterward And Noticing Improvements Such As Reduced Stress Levels, Improved Sleep Quality, Better Stress Management, Enhanced Sleep, Grief Relief, Increased Abundance, Youthful Appearance, Decreased Anxiety, Boosted Creativity, Trauma Release, Optimized Health, Calmer Mind, Increased Inner Peace, Enhanced Personal Space, Reduced Self-Criticism, Improved Body Image, And Alleviated Depression. Check https://youtu.be/rHgheBHcE-0?si=I-uOWnnQ8i2xJe15

Law Of Attraction & Manifestation

This Program Is Only Offered At The End Of A 6-Month Or Longer Coaching Program. By First Clearing Out Mental Clutter And Shedding Limiting Beliefs, We Can Now Open The Mind Up To Unlimited Possibilities And Create An Unbelievable Reality Where Anything Is Possible.

Holistic Wellness Integrated With Coaching For Optimal Health & Wellness

As A Professional Coach And Healer, I Will Utilize A Tailored Approach By Combining The Most Effective Modalities To Enhance Your Transformation And Healing Process. This May Include Sound Frequencies, Meditations, Nervous System Reset, Emotional Blockage Release Tools, Breathing Techniques, Spiritual Alignment, And Food/Beverage Selections Based On Blocked Chakras.

I Love Me High Vibrational Online Store

Infused With Love And Positive Intentions For The Receiver, You Can Expect Products That Will Add Value To Your Healing Journey And Raise Your Vibration And Consciousness.